Unverified Personal Gnosis
Hivic Collective
Opening: 6pm Wednesday 19th February 2025
Exhibition 20th – 25th February 2025
They say that if you were to spend the night at the peak of Cadair Idris, the famed seat of the astronomer-giant of ancient Welsh lore, you would return either a poet, or mad. In 2024 three pseudo-scientific researchers undertook to measure this phenomenon- launching an expedition into unknown territory, testing the fragile boundary between the states of madness and poetics. Their apparatuses were not robust scientific tools but rickety, homespun divinationary devices, peering unreliably into another realm. Their fragmentary results evoked syphoned lichen liquids, makeshift weather stations, meteorological lures, dubious PPE, and a burning marsh-light UFO. Desiring to be misled, reveling in their non-understanding, they recorded their own vanishing- none of them returned. The remnants of their lost expedition will be shown here, along with a published journal of their last writings, and a performance of their final days and hours.
2-4 Highbury Station Road, London N1 1SB
UK Charity 1123530