29 August – 7 September
viewing by appointment on request: eva.gold@raschools.org.uk
During her three month Hatley Residency at C4RD, Eva Gold has developed a body of sculptural works assembled into a larger composition. This follows on from her previous exploration of the domestic as a site of both comfort and trauma. Closely considering the agency assumed through the silent gaze, Gold will also continue working on an ongoing piece of narrative writing. This work extends concepts of pleasure; voyeurism; power; shame; abjection and contagion.
Eva Gold (b. 1994, Manchester, UK) works across sculpture, moving image and writing, approaching the proximity of pleasure to that of order. Applying structural models from this study into her studio practice, Gold prioritises the act of looking. Her research focuses on film theory and cinematic experience; specifically genre, place and affect. Where her sculptures elicit a perversely intimate gaze, elsewhere in her video work impenetrable urban landscapes recall the lone passive observer. Throughout her practice Gold draws together the surreal, the erotic and the affecting to reveal pleasures which are both generic and highly specific. Recent exhibitions include Hot Milk (Von Goetz Post_Institute, London); Premiums: Interim Projects (Royal Academy of Arts, London), Minimum III (Gesso Art Space, Vienna); A Bead of Sweat, Stilled (Lily Brooke, London).