Private View: 6 – 8pm Friday 5 July 2019. Exhibition Thu – Sat from 5 – 13 July 1pm to 6pm.
As part of Pride season C4RD presents Queer Dogs, a celebration of LGBTQ+ people and their dogs. This is a progressive, collaborative exhibition: artists and amateurs are invited to make drawing portraits of LGBTQ+ dog owners with their canine companions. Drawings will be added during the exhibition period.
If you are an LGBTQ+ dog owner, you may send us an image of you and your dog, from which a drawing will be made by the artist collaborators at C4RD. If artists want to collaborate on the day, they may bring their unframed submissions to C4RD from 2pm on Friday 5 July and during the exhibition; these submissions will form part of the exhibition, and be given to the Albert Kennedy Trust for fundraising or be archived at C4RD.
More on the Albert Kennedy Trust can be found here: www.akt.org.uk |
2-4 Highbury Station Road, London N1 1SB
UK Charity 1123530