A group exhibition featuring students from The Cass. |
6 – 8pm Wednesday 3 April 2019 |
4 – 10 April 2019
In the traditional sense, suturing evokes the surgical notion of stitching skin, muscles or other tissues. In film theory, the concept often describes a process of identification between the viewer and a character, or a ‘world view’ represented by the film. This provides multiple areas of exploration in the drawing context, expressed in various media for this exhibition.
Here the work of art constitutes a suturing in the moment of creation – the joining of aesthetic elements – and in the moment where it is exposed, in the suture between the object and the space, and in the moment where it is observed – the suture between the object and the observer. Suture can unstitch or infect, and the whole process gain entropy — but this is where fascination lies.
C4RD 2-4 Highbury Station Road, London N1 1SB www.c4rd.org.uk THU – SAT 1 – 6PM |