Alan Franklin: I like the notion of ‘making a drawing’, which suggests the physics and the performance of the activity. I focus on the relationship between my materials and myself as the principal agent in their manipulation. However I am also mindful of other agents, which may be drafted in to affect a desired outcome. I regard my drawings as ‘flat sculptures’ or shallow constructions. How they are made and then how they are perceived is their subject. The drawings proceed from a simple pre-determined rule or task. Labour, time and process are self-conscious ingredients, while repetition and imperfect control create incidents and accidents, which invariably give the drawings their character. I try to avoid any representation or deliberate illusion, but allow the structure of the drawing to create its own third dimension. I want my work to stray or wander away from what we think we know in order to be surprised, not by something new, but by something which is already there. www.alanfranklin.net alan@alanfranklin.net